Monday, January 25, 2010

Believe in 15/6

My business is promotional products and after listening (late) to Weeks 12 and 13 of the BFC Program I started thinking about how to get others more healthy and what we can do to do this in addition to the ideas Jorge gave.  I created a mockup logo that might get people to ask us what this is about.

Pricing: $6 to $12 each, depending on quantity.
The more I make the less the price.  If I get enough interest to make 72 hats, the price would be $6.00 each.  If I just do 6, the price is $12 each.  For an additional $3.50 each, I can embroider your blog site on the back, or any other web address, or 1 liner onto the back.

Please let me know your thoughts on this.

I can do shirts too, or any other promotional product.  But thought hats might be a good start.

I haven't yet made these yet, but if anyone is interested in ordering 1 or more hats, or customized hats (minimum order is 6 for embroidered).

Email me at jamie [at] to contact me about this.


  1. What a great idea Jamie. I'm thinking of ways I could use these in Louisville.

  2. How about one that says "I'm sweet enough already" ;-)


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