Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm Back

Unfortunately I have stepped away from the program for a time.  Not entirely, but from the blog and from my daily log of meals.  I have still been eating properly, just not recording it or discussing it.  The results still have not changed.  This started last week when I lost ZERO and this last week, while I was thrilled to finally see a change on the scale, although it was just 1 pound.  But I am still nowhere near where I thought I would be by now.

But I am determined to continue.  I am listening to the success stories and reading others stories and I am going to try to maintain a positive attitude about myself and this program.  I do afterall feel better and am down a pant size from when I started and have lost and kept off 14 lbs in 7 weeks.

In evaluating myself, I have found a few open issues:
1. I still eat emotionally.  And this often occurs at night.  I used to count the number of crackers or chocolates to make sure I stick to the serving size, but over time I figured I know what 55 goldfish look like, or 1 serving of chocolates.  Realization: I need to go back to counting and putting them in a cup.

2. I need to go back to keeping a physical log of my diet.  How many carb servings and how many sugars. It will be easy because I do have a good idea of what is in what.  But I did this week 1 and lost big time.  Do it again.

3. Another damper I found is when I would find a new product and think it is great, only to learn later that it actually has HFCS or sucralose or any -lose.  What a bummer.  To be honest I would tell myself it's still better than eating the real sugars.  But I need to realize its not.  And it may be worse so avoid them both.  For example I found bread that I thought was the best only to learn it has sucralose - Ugh!  Throw it away and find something else.

4. As bad as the above issues seem, my biggest issue I think might be this: I'm not drinking enough water.  Ever since someone told me not to guzzle so much water in the morning and instead to sip it thru-out the day, I have been off track.  I'm not a sipper.  I don't like to sip.  I'm not a huge fan of drinking so much water.  I have always struggled with that and found guzzling it was my success to getting it down. I'm going to go back to this.  Rest assured, I am not OD'ing on water.  A 16-oz bottle when I wake, another bottle with breakfast.  Another before lunch.  Sobe during lunch.  And another before or during dinner.  That's 64-oz a day.  If drinking 16-oz at a time is going to be a health issue, kindly let me know, but for now that's what I'm going back to.  Otherwise I have probably only been having 16-24 oz a day of straight bottled water.  I do drink Sobe Lifewater and zevia soda also.  But these are the only things that make up my liquid intake.

By the way... I recently found that Sobe has at least 2 new flavors.  And Zevia Soda now comes in Black Cherry and it is yummy.

Well these are my open issues and I will start making some changes.  Starting with drinking a bottle of water right now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie, glad to see you back. I have the exact same frustrating experience with products that have artificial sweeteners! They are hidden where you very least expect them, but you can always taste it in the first bit. A little late, since I already bought it!


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