Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back on Track

Woke today and did my chores.  Then had breakfast:
- 32-oz of Deer Park Water
- 1 chewable Probiotic Pill - 500,000,000 Bacteria
- 1 Cup of Fiber One Honey Cluster cereal - dry (6/2) + 13f Fiber

- 2 Fiber Gummies 
- One-A-Day VitaCraves (3/0) - for my daily vitamins

So far I am 9/2 + 18g Fiber and 32 oz water.  I know I am high on the sugar but I figure 2 things:
1) The earlier in the day the better for this is probably good.
2) I have been very good about not having sugars the rest of the day, so I can handle it.

Sometimes I have a hard time drinking the water.  But if I can do half my volume first thing in the morning, I am in good shape.  Today I downed 32-oz already (before 9am).  I feel good about that kind of start.


  1. I would be careful about drinking too much water all at once. Your consumption of liquid should be spread out through the day, and you should wait at least an hour after a meal to not affect the enzymes in your stomach. Coffee, tea, soup and any other liquid can be counted in your water intake. Take care...

  2. Hi Jane,

    I checked in with the BFC team on your comment and here is their response:

    "There is something called water intoxication. It is caused by drinking to much water too fast. It usually occurs in infants and athletes. If you aren't one of those then it probably will never happen to you.

    But what I do suggest is to drink 8-12 8 oz glasses, instead of 2 16 oz glasses so early. Then just continue though out the day of 8 ozs at a time.

    Water means water. Not Coffee, or tea . Now Lifewater is ok but it is very thick and has carbs so I would stick to water."


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